A specialist in individual and collective trauma, she created EmotionAid®, a tool for self-regulation for lay people, that allows to release stress and trauma on the spot, anytime, anywhere. She also created Free from Conflict, a protocol for Conflict Resolution, which combines mediation skills and principles with emotional regulation.
She also created Free from Conflict, a protocol for Conflict Resolution, which combines mediation skills and principles with emotional regulation. She authored a series of books “Beyond the Trauma Vortex into the Healing Vortex,” as vehicles in support of her Ross Model©, which target 10 social sectors implicated in amplifying or healing trauma or both. Gina is an international senior trainer of Somatic Experiencing, which she introduced in the Middle East. Gina focuses her analytical and advocacy work on the impact of collective trauma on conflicts, and behind political polarization. She is a frequent contributor to many international journals.
Importance of self-regulation:
Self-regulation as a way of life. It affects our mind, relationships, and spiritual experiences and self- realization. It is a two-way street: Our spiritual system/values inform our positive action in the world, and our spirituality needs self-regulation: they influence each other.
Many today are trying to serve the good, but without self-regulation, their impact is negative.